
(義大利藝術家沙沃·帕斯特雷洛教授與夫人侯淑臻 至校內演講,與同學分享他的藝術人生。)
嘉義縣朴子是朴子國中黃雪惠校長於2025.3.7特邀義大利藝術家沙沃·帕斯特雷洛(Salvo Pastorello)教授至校內演講。
沙沃教授與夫人侯淑臻(Candice Ho) 女士同行並擔任現場中文翻譯,以生動幽默的方式,給孩子留下深刻的印象。學生們藉此機會,除了接受藝術的洗禮外,了解沙沃教授"人來人往"的世界;也認識義大利的風土民情,產生對義大利無限嚮往,愉快的午後進行一場輕鬆的中義文化交流。

當我第一次見到來自義大利西西里島的藝術家Savo Pastrello時,我充滿了好奇。他和其他演講者有點不同,別人站著說話,他卻選擇坐著,看上去很隨意,也許這就是藝術家的獨特魅力,不拘泥於形式,活得灑脫,他的演講充滿氣氛,卻又不失親和力,不僅教我們意大利的打招呼方式,還時不時地開點玩笑,幽默感變得輕鬆有趣。但印象最深刻的是當他談到他的家庭時,我意識到這樣一個當代藝術家與他開始繪畫的方式是相反的,而且他不是家裡最重要的人,有很多兄弟姐妹。但即便如此,他依然堅持自己的夢想,沒有讓挫折擊垮他。
他興奮地告訴我們:“如果你願意,就去做吧!” -
When I first met Savo Pastrello, an artist from Sicily, Italy, I was filled with curiosity. He was a bit different from other speakers, while others stood and spoke, he chose to sit and looked very casual, perhaps this is the unique charm of the artist, not stick to the form, live a free and unrestrained, his speech was full of humor, but also still affinity, not only to teach us the Italian way of greeting, but also from time to time to make some jokes, the atmosphere became relaxed and interesting. But what impressed me the most was when he talked about his family, and I realized that such a birch artist was opposed to the way he started painting, and that he was not the most important person in his family with many siblings. But even so, he persisted in his dream and did not let the setbacks get him down. He excitedly told us "If you want, just do!" - if you want to do it, just do it, and stick to it.
If you want to do something, just do it!" He said to us, "If you want to do something, just do it! These words touched me deeply. It's true that we all encounter doubts and difficulties on the way of growing up, but what's really important is whether we are willing to persevere for our passion, no matter it's art or life, as long as we really want to do it, we should be brave enough to take that step!



