
How do you pronounce ‘Bao Ma Zi’? – Penghu: Po Pia

2011/07/05 13:48
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PeoPo推 1

The role of ‘The messenger’, who wears a bright red and yellow costume, (also known as ‘Po Pia’ in rural locations) is a common sight at Penghu temple gatherings. ‘The messenger’ has the task of carving a path through the bustling streets to the temple, warning people against violating temple taboos and keep away from the ranks, and so is most commonly seen at the front of the lines. ‘The messenger’s unusual costume always attracts great attention from passersby and participants at temple gatherings, who often compete with each other to have their picture taken with this strange character.

Generally speaking, in Penghu’s temple gatherings ‘the messenger’ is usually dressed in bright yellows and reds, wears grass slippers, carries a brass gong and a paper umbrella, and has a piece of cooked pork leg hanging, which followers can eat to alleviate hunger pangs. Along the way this strange character will also distribute cookies, candies and coins to the people, which signify the auspicious blessings of the deities, bestowing safety and peace on lucky individuals.

How do you pronounce ‘Bao Ma Zi’? – Penghu: Po Pia



報馬仔」你怎麼唸? 澎湖:ㄆㄛˋㄆㄧㄚ(公民記者 澎湖代)


穿著紅黃配色的鮮豔服裝,這是澎湖廟會中常見的一個角色「報馬仔」,在澎湖的鄉下地方也叫做「ㄆㄛˋㄆㄧㄚ」。常常可以在廟會場合中看到他的身影,報馬仔主 要出現在遶境隊伍前方,他的功能除了探路以外,如果遇到沿途有居民觸犯禁忌,也必須通知他們避開遶境隊伍。報馬仔每次出現,總是吸引眾人的目光,他奇特的 裝扮,也總吸引許多人爭相合照。一般來說,澎湖廟宇活動中出現的報馬仔最常見的裝扮就是紅黃配色的服裝、著草鞋、提著銅鑼、扛著紙傘吊一隻豬腳,豬腳是熟 的,可以讓民眾割下來吃。沿路報馬仔還會發送餅乾、糖果、零錢給民眾,象徵獲得神明庇佑保平安。




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