
Toxic Dadu plateau! Shalu Interchange hides toxic spoil bank

2011/06/29 15:03
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On 8th June this year (2011), Taichung authorities investigated Pan-Continental Chemical Co., Ltd and the existing regional stone industry after discovering the company was processing heavy metal waste at unusually low prices. This led police to discover that illegal dumping was taking place; the main location for the illegal dumping has been at National Highway No. 3 near Shalu Interchange. On June 20th, Tainan Community University professor Huang Huan-chang and his team together with Taiwan Academy of Ecology journeyed north to investigate and further understand the state of affairs at the contaminated site.

Gazing in the direction of the fields from the overhead highway the spoil bank in question is clearly evident. The location of the ‘poisoned’ earth is at the southern extremity of Shalu Interchange on the eastern slope facing the gorge, and just as newspapers have reported, around eight stories high. Adjacent to the area are sweet potato fields and police have cordoned the area off designating it a ‘crime scene’.

The aforementioned company was recognized in 1993 after passing an Environmental Protection Assessment to become the first spoil bank. Outside the spoil bank company there are signs hanging overhead, such as the company’s nameplate written in County Commissioner Liu’s calligraphy and also a sign for some service center of the senior police inspector center under the Ministry of Justice. A Buddhist worship hall is located right by the office, which makes an extremely strong contrast; the Buddha in the hall has probably been left speechless by the whole affair too! Teacher Zhao Rui-Guang form Tainan Community University examined the poisoned earth, and found the following results: Pb, 6,441ppm;Zn, 20,100ppm;Cu, 4,354ppm;Ni, 556ppm...

Toxic Dadu plateau! Shalu Interchange hides toxic spoil bank



毒化大肚山!國道3號沙鹿交流道附近的棄土(毒)場 ( 生態人 )


今年(2011)6月8日檢警破獲台中現有石業、陸昌化工廠涉嫌低價為廠商處理重金屬廢棄物、非法傾倒,汙染區域之一位於國道3號沙鹿交流道附近。6月20 日台南市社區大學黃煥彰教授帶領團隊北上與台灣生態學會共同前往此汙染區域進行了解。在高速公路上遠眺,明顯地看到此棄土(毒)場位在沙鹿交流道南端的東 側坡面溪谷上緣,高度確如新聞報載所述高度近八層樓。現有石業棄土(毒)場週邊都是地瓜田,警方已於現場圍起「刑案現場的封鎖線」。該公司的棄土場於場區 告示標榜號稱1993年經環評為全台灣第一家合法的棄土場,棄土場辦公室外卻懸掛著縣長廖了以所題的公司牌匾及法務部司革會警政督察中心服務處的牌子,辦 公區旁亦設置佛堂,這強烈的對比,不知佛堂神佛作何感受?台南社大晁瑞光老師現場採樣檢測,數據為鉛(Pb)6,441ppm、鋅 (Zn)20,100ppm、銅(Cu)4,354ppm、鎳(Ni)556ppm...。




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