Dongshih Fisherman’s Wharf - environmental quality to be strengthened
The fisherman’s wharf in Chiayi County provides 14 shower rooms for visitor’s use, however users are complaining that the shower rooms are a filthy mess. The rubbish and excrement that are commonly seen within these new facilities is creating a hygiene problem and adversely affecting the mood of tourists. Although the Tourism Bureau of Chiayi County have arranged daily cleaning rounds of the shower rooms and provided bins outside the doors, however local users indicate that the main problem is perhaps that the toilets have been situated too far from the swimming area forcing some people to excrete in the shower rooms. In addition to health issues, safety at the facilities cannot be ignored, and in preparation for the summer crowds who invariably flock to the area, the local tourism bureau is currently carrying out work to install a non-slip surface in the swimming pool.
Dongshih Fisherman’s Wharf - environmental quality to be strengthened?
東石漁人碼頭 環境品質待加強(中正e報)
嘉義縣東石漁港提供14間的淋浴間供遊客使用,但卻有使用者抱怨淋浴間髒亂不堪,在設備新穎的淋浴間隨處可見到垃圾與排泄物,影響環境衛生與遊客的心情。 雖然嘉義線觀光旅遊局表示,每天都會安排人員清潔淋浴間,而正門口外也有設置垃圾桶,但民眾指出,動線不佳可能是造成髒亂的原因之一。因為廁所距離那個戲 水區還有其他區域非常遠,以至於在那邊做排泄動作的人應該不是故意的,他真的是沒辦法去到廁所,因為太遠了。除了衛生條件,設施的安全性也不容忽視,為因 應夏季人潮,觀光旅遊局目前正在進行戲水池的防滑改良工程。