
Aren’t the Danlin people angry?

2011/06/16 16:03
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The walking trails around Pingtung’s Danlin Village have already gone many years without seeing the proper implementation of any kind of thorough control or management policies. Every year great numbers of hikers take to the mountains looking for interesting and remote hiking trails. Recently, in order to carry out forest protection measures and protect tribal water sources Laiyi Township Office personnel had an on-the-spot meeting to investigate the task at hand.

Authorities hope to apply measures that both protect the sacred domain of the indigenous people and that of private individuals. Unfortunately, the measures come rather late as hikers have been arbitrarily destroying water pipes lines for a very long time. On arrival at the area to investigate the situation in person the CJ discovered piles of garbage as well as illegal paths that had been carved out of the forest, with many withered branches and the roots of countless trees strewn around the vicinity.

Aren’t the Danlin people angry?


追源[丹林人您不生氣嗎?] ( 古流 )


屏東丹林村部落鄰近的登山步道,已有多年沒有徹底實施入山管制政策,從每年湧入各地慕名或遠訪的登山客者,大有人在,最近為了執行維護山林保護作業暨有效維 護部落水資源等,來義鄉公所會同相關負責單位人員現場會勘作業,當日祭出執行有效的公權力,希望維護部落族人神聖的領域和私人的領域,但登山客任意破壞水 管路線,現在才管理實在來不及。公民記者實地探勘,剛進入口處(水源地)就發現所到之處都有垃圾,甚至發現部落的上方出現一道被開挖的道路呢!附近大樹橫 屍遍野,樹根有的被丟棄路邊,有的挖了一半,已經垂死著了。




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