Surprise attack on Gonghe Village
On the 30th of May, excavators and a swarm of workers suddenly appeared at the cultural and ecological gem known as Gonghu New village in Donggang, Pingtung County. In preparation for the development of the district that dates back to the Japanese era, the workers began drilling holes in the road and erecting fencing to enclose the planned construction work. In the process of erecting the fencing, part of a Japanese style courtyard was destroyed and a Baobab tree was ‘removed’ from the former Air Force Academy building at No. 91 - step by step advancing and destroying the lungs of Donggang.
Taking into account the lack of consideration and extreme sloppiness of Pingtung County’s cultural affairs department together with controversy of The Defense Department’s refurbishment plans that remain unresolved, as well as the fact that the area clearly justifies being preserved, the related public departments have vetoed any such calls off hand. The CJ covering the story was astonished to find that on the 29th of May, the very day after a community activity, workers congregated ahead of schedule to begin fencing off the area. At this point we stand on the edge of a precipice, on the verge of a cultural catastrophe, facing a crossroads for the future of our nation. The situation in Pingtung mirrors the state of affairs throughout the whole of Taiwan, where improper and unsustainable building abounds. The question that remains is can we turn this potentially tragic way of thinking and tide of cultural destruction around?
Surprise attack on Gonghe Village (by CJ nature 23)
軍方突襲,共和新村變江國慶第二! ( nature23 )
南台灣文化與生態瑰寶-屏東東港的「共和新村」,在5月30日下午,突然出現一台怪手與大批工人,在劃設的改建區日式房舍外,開始在路面打洞並架上鐵架, 準備在這幾天進行圍籬工程,在架鐵架的過程中已有部分日式房舍的庭院圍牆被打壞,其中還有工人把共和新村91號前空軍幼校教育長家庭院的竹柏順手挖走,一 步步讓東港綠肺朝向毀滅的道路前進。
在過去屏東文化處文資審議極度草率、與國防部改建認證人數爭議未確實解決的兩大冤情下,就算再有保存價值也被公部門徹底否決掉,儼然成為台灣的第二個江國 慶!公民記者表示,萬萬沒想到5月29日的「夏遊南國 眷戀共和 東港共和新村深度體驗活動」辦完離開後,隔天工程單位竟然就毫無預警的提早來共和進行圍籬施工了,現在還有什麼辦法可以讓這個即將為東港甚至全台灣,帶來 文資空前浩劫的改建工程停工呢!?