One person, One view – reinvestigate the Puyu Project
Professor Zhuang Ya-zhong from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at National Chiao Tung University initiated a ‘ One person, One view’ activity, from which he hopes headmasters will review the Puyu Development Plan “Taiwan Knowledge-Based Economy Park”, ?and take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of opinions from all sides. Puyu Development Plan in connection with Hsinzhu HSR Development Center, will unite National Chiao Tung University’s academic knowledge and high-tech industry in order to re-plan 447 hectares of land in Zhubei. Hopes are high for the prospect of turning Zhubei into Hsinzhu’s new science city.
Puyu Development Plan Promotion Committee hope that the government can promptly implement plans for the development of Zhubei. Secretary-general of Puyu Development Plan Promotion Committee, Zeng Jin-rong, said that in the business world, the science and technology sector was indispensible, and added that the Taiwan Knowledge-based Economy Flagship Project would allow Taiwan to begin competing with the rest of the world in this arena.
It is undeniable that the Puyu Development Plan will help to develop the area, however the Anti-Puyu Initiative strongly believes that land expropriation will force many farmers out of a job. The initiative also calls into question the government’s lack of understanding over farmer’s deep feelings towards their land, seemingly placing the importance of development above all else. The person at the helm of Anti-Puyu Initiative, Chen Yi-xu, said that the government has yet to stump up any money for the project, stressing that it is the sale of the people’s land that has been used to raise the necessary funds to drive this important development.
The main convener of the Puyu Development Plan at National Chiao Tung University, Lin Jian-zheng, has been involved in community activities for a very long time. Although he wholeheartedly supports the Puyu Development Plan, however hopes that both sides can agree before any work is started. Building of the HSR station has certainly helped the growth of Zhubei, which is expected to become the leading science city. Unfortunately?, ?with regards to the land and the aspiration of locals, the government and opposing side have yet to find common ground.
One person, One view – reinvestigate the Puyu Project.
一人一信致校長 要求重檢璞玉計畫 ( 大學報 )
近日交通大學人文社會學系教授莊雅仲發起「一人一信給交大校長」的活動,希望校長重新檢視璞玉計畫,關注正反雙方的意見。璞玉計畫(台灣知識經濟園區)以 高鐵新竹站為發展中心,結合交大學術資源和高科技產業,重新規劃竹北共447公頃的土地,希望將竹北打造成新竹科技城。璞玉計畫促進會希望政府早日實施, 帶起竹北地方發展。璞玉促進會理事長曾金榮表示,務必要來做科技業,未來台知園區(台灣知識經濟園區)推動整個台灣這個科學園區的接軌,與世界做一個競 爭。不過雖然璞玉計畫可促進地方發展,但反璞玉自救會則認為政府徵地會讓農民失去工作,也質疑政府為了經濟發展而忽略當地人民對土地的情感,也質疑政府為 了經濟發展而忽略當地人民對土地的情感。反璞玉自救會負責人陳義旭表示,璞玉計畫裡頭,政府一毛錢沒有出,完全是拿我們的土地去賣,然後取得這個開發經 費,也就是說以自償性的方式,來開發這個國家重大建設。前交大璞玉計畫總召集人林健正長期投入社區運動,雖然他支持璞玉計畫,但他希望雙方都要同意璞玉計 畫才能夠開始動作。高鐵站興建帶起竹北地方發展,未來璞玉計畫可望建造台灣第一個科技城,但對於土地規畫和居民意願,政府和正反雙方還未達到共識。