Reconstruction after Typhoon Morakot 90% complete???
The Post-Morakot Reconstruction Committee has questioned the pace of reconstruction at a Legislative Yuan Committee, where the current 90% completion figure was heavily criticized as fanciful - a figure that simply makes a mockery of reality. Internet friends are invited to go to http?://? (The Post-Morakot Reconstruction Committee)which, with regards to the ‘Current Post-Morakot Reconstruction Situation’, expressed that although they absolutely accepted that the Executive Yuan had striven and labored hard over the issue in what is a an extremely challenging task, however locals say the figures announced by the local government are absolute nonsense. Angry locals say the figure of “90% complete” should in fact be “construction works underway”– not completed as stated in the announcement. Investigation into the many post-Morakot websites in the area reveals the pace of construction is anything but ideal. A ''good'' example can be found in Chiayi County at http?://?, where the beautiful figure of 98% is seen – is it possible. What about the situation at three permanent housing projects in the Tsou people’s community. Around 150 households have yet to see any kind of improvement.
What about the various other project? What has happened to restoration work from The Water Resources Agency (river restoration),Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (riverbank landslides), and Forestry Bureau (landslides)? If you look back at the film there are 25 damaged bridges – only 7 have been repaired to a point of functionality,3 of which were repaired by charitable trusts. Does the appearance of the road look like it is completed. The Water Resources Agency did do dredging work, however it has still not completed permanent flood defenses. It’s important to stress that the government has worked hard on these construction projects, however it must be reminded not to deceive the people on the true situation. This kind of attitude is not only extremely difficult for locals to bear but also greatly undermines confidence in the government. It is suggested that peoples’? ?representatives do their own investigation work to see the truth behind each and every situation.
Reconstruction after Typhoon Morakot 90% complete???
莫拉克災後重建完成90趴???? ( 鄒公 )
點「災後重建工程執行情形」,我們絕對肯定行政院的努力與辛勞,但災區居民覺得政府公佈的數據根本就是胡濫,90%以上是含發包未開工的都算是完成? 再上各災區縣市重建網站查詢還真的是如此,以嘉義縣為例; amp;ctNode=14920&mp=11 數據好漂亮98%耶!可是在地的鄒族災區三處永久屋呢?計約150戶,到現在連影子都沒有!那其他項目呢?還有中央如水資局(河川整治)、水保局(野溪崩 坍地)、林務局(崩坍地)等復建工程呢?回頭再看影片;災害毀損橋樑25座,完成可用的7座,其中3座是行善團完成的,道路(便道形)如此算完成?水資局 曾文溪整治疏濬還未具體永久防護工程完成。再次肯定政府重建的努力,但是要務實,不要欺上瞞下,對災區居民是情何以堪,要如何去信任政府?也強烈建議民意 代表們多到災區去做比對查驗。