
Flowerpot people – unlimited creativity

2011/05/21 07:21
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Situated in the hustle and bustle of Chiayi’s Boai Road, Chen Wei-guang can be spotted outside his home fixated on transforming insignificant and insipid plant pots into mysterious and wonderful works of art. This veritable extravaganza of vivid and lifelike images stands alongside the ordinariness of the busy street, with people going about their mundane daily business. This plant pot paradise attracts the attention of near on each and every passerby, and they are often mystified when they discover that My Chen’s previous profession was making remote control molds.

Over these four years, since he fell in love with plant pots, his creativity and innovation has gone from strength to strength. Mr Chen expressed that after inadvertently witnessing someone making pottery he suddenly felt inspired to use plastic to sculpt human figures. After countless attempts and failures, he finally started to have some success, and slowly began incorporating lighting to the sculptures. He said that some people use the sculptures just for ornamental purposes, whereas others have added water pumps so that the sculptures water the garden for you! At present, the majority of his art pieces are in Bantoucuo, Xinkang, Chiayi County where he invites you and anybody else with interest to come along and take a look.


Flowerpot people – unlimited creativity (ellenlee)



花盆人偶 DIY創意無限 ( ellenlee )






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