
First Asian Short Doc -“ My family don’t want electromagnetic radiation”

2011/05/21 07:18
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This Saturday, on the eve of seasoned documentary director Huang Shu-mei and Zhuang Rong-hua’s release of their new short film, "We don't want harm by electromagnetic radiation ", a protest to raise awareness on this issue will take place. The documentary visits areas the length and breadth of Taiwan, where high-voltage transmission towers, and meteorological radar installations have brought untold heartache to the lives of locals. In 2001, high-voltage transmission towers, and a meteorological radar installation were raised in Jia Yanli in Wufeng, Taichung and Yancheng in Qigu, Tainan. The installations are all within close vicinity of residential areas, and have resulted in much injury and disturbance to local people. These areas were once peaceful and comfortable villages where the people lived and worked happily. Without receiving consent of local residents, the government built a superhigh-voltage substation, high voltage transmission towers and a meteorological radar installation. Ever since these installations have been raised, the health of the entire region has witnessed a marked decline. From the young to the old, illness and deaths have occurred one after the other, with cancer, neurological illnesses, deafness, eye damage, metal disorders and learning difficulties all rising to unprecedented levels. Countless families have been caught up in this wave of suffering that has swept over the village. 

Chen Jiao-hua, is the Director General of Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association, TEPCA, which initiated this film project. She expressed that no matter whether it is high voltage cables, radar, extreme low frequency or electromagnetic radiation, the scientific community has yet to confirm the level of danger to the public. However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has warned of the likelihood of leukemia in children with levels surpassing 3-4mG. Through the film "We don't want harm by electromagnetic radiation ", Chen Jiao-hua wishes to call on anyone who has suffered at the hands of electromagnetic radiation to spread the news of this film short and hopefully bring about a change in electromagnetic radiation legislation from the powers that be.

First Asian Short Doc -“ My family don’t want electromagnetic radiation”. (by CJ hehe)



【亞洲首部】我家不要電磁輻射 紀錄短片 ( hehe )







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