Seeing the dilemma of Linbian disaster region
The Tourism Bureau’s, ‘Taiwan tour bus’, which tours disaster stricken areas in Taiwan, sparked the imagination of local residents in Pingtung’s Linbian Township, an area that suffered at the hands of Typhoon Morakot. Lin Zai-bian’s natural literature and history studio conducted the ‘Lin Zai-bian’s Weekend Study Group’, inviting the local populace to get together and travel around the area on bicycle to experience first hand what weaves the local industries and community together - a wonderful opportunity for local people to taste the unique flavor of the area and understand what has bound it together through so much upheaval over the years. Immediately following the disaster of Typhoon Morakot, the outlook for Linbian was bleak and scores of people moved away. With spirits low and an air of dejection lingering within the hearts of the people, some locals decided to try and develop tourism in the area to draw in new positive energy and lift the spirits of residents. Staff member, Zheng Wan-qian expressed that they hope to create a local tourism industry that does not destroy the local ambiance and environmental beauty.
The current plan is to begin in the Binhai area, and let locals cycle from Guanglin Village and then on to the villages of Shuili and Qifeng. The route will pass through the area proposed for the development of solar power. Those involved in the project as well as local producers and manufactures will explain the ins and outs of each and every industry along the way. In addition, you will have the opportunity to try your hand at hand net fishing as well as revel in the delight of the seaside and a traditional ‘sand oven’. Local mothers from Shuili Districts have prepared a host of culinary delicacies from the area, allowing those taking part to enjoy the salty sea breeze whist chomping happily on all kinds of mouthwatering dishes.
Organizers of the tour feel it is essential that the people walk away from the ‘disaster victim’ tag and seriously consider what indeed our responsibility to the natural environment is. This would include looking at the possibility of developing solar power and our traditional industries. This activity is aimed at helping the community at large to understand what needs to be done and reflect on the situation. Zheng Wan-qian said that the activity had attracted many householders from the surrounding area accompanied by their children, giving the children a wonderful opportunity to know their homeland. It is hoped that although the children will most likely leave the community one day, however thanks to this kind of activity they should never forget it.
Seeing the dilemma of Linbian disaster region
林邊鐵馬遊學 看見災區兩難(風翦樹)
觀光局「真情巴士」定點式的災區導覽,觸發了屏東林邊八八水災災區民眾的一些想法。林仔邊自然文史工作室舉辦「林仔邊假日遊學團」,邀請民眾騎單車漫遊林 邊,並與當地產業及社區結合,讓民眾實際體驗林邊產業的興衰與社區濃濃的人情味。災後林邊整體呈現蕭條,人口移出甚多,為重振這樣低靡的氣氛,地方工作者 想到利用發展社區深度旅遊的方式,將遊客引入,試圖為地方帶來新的氣象。工作人員鄭婉阡表示,行程不希望以消費環境成本的建設去炒作觀光。
目前行程規畫出以濱海區為先,民眾騎著腳踏車從光林村前往濱海的水利及崎峰兩村,沿途經過未來要設置的太陽能光電區、銀放索養殖專區以及製作漁網的工廠, 相關人員及生產者為民眾講解各項產業的現況,並體驗灑網捕魚以及海邊「控沙窯」的趣味。此外,水利社區的媽媽們更為來訪的遊客準備具有當地特色的飯 湯及米粉炒,讓鹹鹹的海風中充滿道地的人情味。
「八八之後,除了走出『災民』外,應該去重新思考我們對於環境的責任,例如太陽能與傳統養殖業的例子,希望透過這樣行程讓大家去了解,以及反思。」鄭婉阡 說表示。而這次活動,也吸引許多家長帶著孩子參加,幫助孩子們多認識家鄉,縱使有一天孩子會離開,但至少「情」會留下來。