
Is the 6 -dollar ticket worth it?

2011/05/04 17:12
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PeoPo推 1

According to media reports, Taiwan Railway’s Kaohsiung Railway Station sells around 1000 ‘pass through’tickets everyday, around 45,000 per month. The station raises around 270,000 NTD per month, a figure that is anything but small– something that wasn’t touched on during the film, but which will surely make people to sit up and ask the question: Is this acceptable?

Those who are unwilling to pay the 6 dollars have no alternative but to make a giant detour round the station or to take the pedestrian bridge. However the detour takes you through a sparsely populated area, raising questions of personal safety at off peak times. In addition, traders in the HouYi business district, so called “southern Wufenpu”, expressed that the free passage of passengers through the station is something that directly affects their business. With Kaohsiung MRT within Kaohsiung Train Station, no plan was made to situate the exit at the back of the station. A similar piece of shortsighted planning related to local privately run travel businesses who alight in front of the station, meaning that passengers must climb to the second floor, buy a ‘pass through’ ticket then pass through the underpass within the station before arriving at the back of the station.

Unless one goes through this process, a large and tiring detour often in the scorching midday sun is required. What this seems to add up to, is that the tides of people are turning into tides of money for profiteers who put people in the dilemma of choosing between spending time and effort or spending money in the form of the 6-dollar ‘passing through’ ticket. The state of affairs has caused local businesses behind the station to suffer a drop in passing trade.

Kaohsiung Station have also continually postponed the opening of the underpass, and so with a scheduled completion date of 2017, locals have another 6 years to wait, another 6 years of their hard earned money being squeezed from them. This small amount of money taken day by day will no doubt amount to quite a sum after so many years – something which must again raise serious questions.


Is the 6 -dollar ticket worth it? (by CJ smbigsun)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/75395

6 dollar charge. 3 ways to pass through the station(by CJ jerry)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/75363 

Station design affects local business (by CJ ellenlee)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/75393


都是六塊錢惹的禍!_月台票買不買? (公民記者 欖仁居修行生活網)

六塊錢買路費? 三個穿過高雄火車站的方法(公民記者 傑利)

前後通不通 商家差很大(公民記者 ellenlee)



如果不想花六塊錢,就得繞路或走天橋,但是這幾條路附近人煙較稀少,如果在離峰時間,恐怕獨自行走的行 人會有安全上的顧慮。

而素有南部五分埔之稱的後驛商圈也位在此處,對後驛商圈而言,前後站的民眾通行方式,或多或少影響了消費意願,高雄捷運在「高雄車 站」下車的,並沒有規劃出口至高雄車站後站,而高雄的公民營客運、巴士站都在前站建國路下車,民眾必須進入火車站步行二樓購買6元的月台票進站,仰賴車站 通道行走,再 從後站下樓,否則須繞一大段遠路,在大熱天,不知有幾人能耐得了高溫下的汗流浹背。面對人潮即是錢潮的商家而言,這不花體力就得花錢買的六元單趟門票,給 生意帶來許多變數。高雄火車站受限鐵路地下化工程的延宕,目前暫定於民國106年完工,距離今日的百年還有整整六年的光陰,這6的倍數下累積的財富,一點 一滴都是人民的血汗錢。




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