The houses that are growing?! ?Linbian Township take anti-flood action
Can houses actually grow? This is becoming a unique phenomenon of Linbian and Jiadong Townships in Pingdong, areas plagued with subsidence. Locals have named the process as, ‘raising’, which as the name implies, raises the houses off the ground and supporting them on bolsters. The local residents need to learn to live on land that lies below sea level and the resultant flooding that comes with each and every rainy season.
In order to stop floodwaters from entering into houses, this method of‘raising’has been becoming increasingly popular in both Linbian and Jiadong. This unique process has created a landscape that is not only eye catching but also a practical method for coexisting with the inevitability of seasonal flooding disasters. Unfortunately, the budget for such an engineering project is anything but low, and common families have no means to carry the weight of such a heavy financial burden. To install these necessary flood prevention measures without the providence of subsidies would be a near on impossible task. Specialists predict that extreme weather patterns will become the norm in the years to come, and urge mankind to begin the process of adapting his building methods accordingly. ‘Raising’ is indeed a method that is attempting to flow with the current problems associated with climate change – the only drawback seems to be the sheer size of capital investment required.
The houses that are growing! Linbian Township take anti-flood action.
會長高的房子!林邊鄉民「抬厝」應水患 (公民記者 風翦樹)
房子竟然會長高?這是出現在屏東林邊及佳冬等地層下陷區的特殊景觀,當地居民稱之為「抬厝」,就是將房子抬高、墊高的意思。當地居民生活在地層下陷區,地勢低於海平面,雨季時排水不及易造成區域積水,為了防範雨季時積水會漫流進屋內,於是這種將整棟房子墊高的情形,在屏東林邊與佳冬屢見不顯,而且行之有年, 形成當地的特殊景觀,也是一種與災害共存的生活模式。但是,工程所需的費用也相當龐大,經濟能力較弱的家庭無法負擔,在尚未補助裝設水閘門之前,仍以沙包土牆來防水。專家預言極端氣候下,天災將會常態化出現,人類建築的思維勢必也要因應新的環境,而有所突破。「抬厝」的確是適應極端氣候的應變之道,但是要 花費的資本實在太高了。