Singer Limi and the band ‘Love Bite’ go naked for anti-nuclear protest
On the eve of Earth Day, singer Limi and members of the band ‘Love Bite’, got together to commemorate the anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the former Soviet Union on the 26th of April 25 years ago. The renowned photographer, Xie San-tai shot a series of classic pictures entitled, ‘Rather Nude than Nuke’, in the hope of capturing the public’s attention and urge them to stand up in protest against nuclear energy. Organizer of the activity, He Zong-xun, expressed that the activity will help to make President Ma place greater importance on nuclear energy policies and the potential dangers. Celebrated photographer, Xie San-tai, said, he has always taken an active role in social movements, however the first time He Zong-xun invited him to shoot a naked anti-nuclear activity he did so with a little hesitation.
However, after the Japanese nuclear disaster, he made a firm resolution to use the camera to capture the mercilessness of nuclear power when disaster strikes, and used this opportunity to present it through the context of the beautiful naked body. In addition, Xie San-tai, commended Limi, Cai Cheng and Love Bite for their dedication and courageousness at being willing to become involved in such a serious social issue and indeed for revealing themselves completely before the lens. The band members expressed that by going through the naked shoot, ‘Rather Nude than Nuke’, it is hoped that the issue of nuclear energy will be put on center stage, and bring support for the anti-nuclear movement, from people of all walks of life. They added that, they sincerely hope that the public do not look upon these pictures with any kind of eroticism, and singer Limi added, 5 years ago when they first shot ‘Rather Nude than Nuke’ she was still a student. Since the shoot had become part of their status she was happy to do it once more for the cause.
Singer Limi and the band ‘Love Bite’ go naked for anti-nuclear protest (by CJ hehe)
歌手李宓、草莓樂團 裸身反核(公民記者hehe )
世界地球日前夕,歌手李宓與草莓樂團成員,為了紀念前蘇聯諾堡核災25週年(4月26日),由攝影師謝三泰拍攝一系列經典《寧裸不核》寫真,盼以實際行動 喚起民眾關注,一同反核。本次總策劃社運工作者何宗勳表示,李宓與草莓樂團成員 將於25日赴總統前進行《行為藝術表演》,呼籲馬總統重視能源政策與核能災害。攝影大師謝三泰說,他向來以社會運動為拍攝的主角,所以何宗勳邀他拍裸體反 核,一度也曾猶豫,但在日本核災發生後,他毅然決然投入此次的運動,希望透過鏡頭,將核災的無情與人體自然的美呈現給社會大眾。同時對於李宓、蔡承學與草 莓樂團這些勇敢的年輕人,他們願意投入反核這個嚴肅的公共議題,以及攝影時專業、敬業的表現,謝三泰表示讚賞與鼓勵。蔡承學說,樂團成員會投入「寧裸不 核」寫真,就是希望藉創造議題,吸引各界關注反核,爭取更多支持,也希望各 界不要以情色眼光看待。而有「小隋棠」之稱的歌手李宓說,5年前她還是學生,以匿名拍攝「寧裸不核」寫真,現在以歌手身分將再次投入「寧裸不核」行動藝 術。