
Yangmei Nightmarket awaits springtime

2011/04/19 11:56
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PeoPo推 1

Teacher Xiao Yong-nan, and students from Xinyangping Community College have paid close attention to the Yangmei night market environment for a very long time. A year-long survey and much in-depth investigation was carried out to ascertain just what the night market requires as well as understand the feelings of local residents towards the situation. On completion of the survey a conference was called where representatives from government bodies and local groups, the head of the local community, and teachers and students from Yangmei junior high school and the community college were all invited to jointly discuss the situation. The main suggestion that was continually raised is that Yangmei needs a night market. Hungry residents wish they didn’t have to travel to Chungli or any other town nightmarket to get a late night snack. It is hoped that through providing effective management and assistance, market traders can improve the environment and clean up the current chaotic mess.

Hopefully local government bodies can provide assistance, as traders need to make a living and hope to have a stable place. In addition, they don’t want to be stigmatized for working as nightmarket traders – an all too common problem. Head students from the local community college produced a nightmarket map that lists the various things on sale. They also interviewed each and every vendor, and then promoted a ’10 Finest Culinary Delights’ activity. People hope that with the assistance of the local community college, some interest can be developed in these local issues from the community at large. This should in turn bring together the night market culture and everyday life, something that everyone involved anticipates very much.



Yangmei Nightmarket awaits springtime (by CJ Xinyangpin Community College)



楊梅楊明夜市期盼有春天(公民記者 新楊平社區大學)


新楊平社區大學老師蕭永南老師與學員,長期關注楊梅地區的夜市環境,經過一年多的調查和對話,分別對楊梅市展開夜市需求調查,了解社區民眾的需求,召開焦 點團體座談會,邀請公部門代表、民意機構、社區民眾、在地里長、楊明國中及社區大學師生展開對話座談,會中一致的建議,楊梅需要有夜市,社區民眾半夜肚子 餓不希望再跑到中壢或其他鄉鎮市,希望拓過有效管理,協助業市業者能改善夜市交通及環境髒亂,更希望公部門能協助,業者要生存,不希望被汙名化,要有一個 固定的家。社大將帶領學員完成夜市生活地圖之製作,訪談拍攝及記錄每一個攤位,繼而推動夜市十大美食票選活動,希望藉由社大的協助,引發社區民眾共同關心 社區的公共議題,讓夜市文化結合生活,也期盼民眾共同來關懷。




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