’The 33 Handicraft House’ becomes a reality – breaking away from dark suicidal thoughts of the past
On walking into Pingtungs’s ’33 Handicraft House’, it is hard not to be touched by the laughter and easy-going nature of proprietor Zhang Ru-shan. It’s difficult to imagine that before the age of 30 Ru-shan had thought to end her life many times, coming up with countless suicide methods. Ru-shan is severely physically disabled relying on a wheelchair to get around and has atrophy of her left hand. In spite of these handicaps, with the help of good friends and after a call to other like-minded handicraft enthusiasts, she managed to open ‘The 33 Handicraft House’.
The store is bursting with all sorts of dazzling handicrafts and also provides handicraft classes that have attracted a large number of interested students. The change in Ru-shan hasn’t only allowed her to realize her own dreams, but she hopes to take any surplus profit and invest it back into society. Ru-shan believes that by doing this she can help other people with disabilities see clearly that although they are disabled they still have a lot to offer society and can still realize their own dreams.
The 33 Handicraft House’ becomes a reality – breaking away from dark suicidal thoughts of the past (by CJ CJCU NEWS)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/74209
33手創屋圓夢成功 擺脫自殺灰暗陰霾 ( 長榮大傳系 )
走進屏東這一間「33手創屋」,老闆張汝珊開朗的笑聲令人印象深刻。很難想像她在30歲之前,曾經放棄生命的希望,嘗試研究各種自殺方法,因為她肢體有重 度障礙,左手萎縮,也只能以輪椅代步。不過她在朋友的幫助下,號召志同道合的手創達人,開了這一家「33手創屋」,店內有各式各樣琳瑯滿目的手工藝品,也 開設手工藝課程吸引許多學員來參加。張汝珊的改變不只圓了自己藝術家的夢想,她也將盈餘回饋社會,希望幫助更多像她一樣殘而不廢的朋友。