
The fish have returned

2011/04/07 14:46
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PeoPo推 1

Typhoon Morakot inflicted heavy damage on Ali Mountain, and likewise, the Shan-mei Tribe’s Danayigu Ecological Park, which was established independently by the tribe after many years of hard work and toil, in the course of an evening suffered similar heavy damage. The good news is that the 20-year-old first-class Danayigu Ecological Park has been reconstructed and is open once more. The bad news is that if you go a present there are a few small areas that may cause a little disappointment. Through the persistence of the tribe as well as many other bodies including numerous governmental departments and NGOs, everyone is busily preparing for the new opening of the park.

The park actually began accepting outside visitors on the 1st of March however as the interior facilities are still not fully completed, and the fish viewing walkway and main entry/exit road are still in construction, temporarily the park is not charging an entrance fee. However we ask everyone who wishes to go and see the newly reconstructed park to take special care and strictly follow the park’s rules which is hoped can be fully completed in the immediate future allowing everyone to once more revel and delight in the magnificent scenery.

The fish have returned (by CJ Zougong)



魚又回來囉(公民記者 鄒公 報導)


莫拉克風災重創阿里山,山美部落辛苦自主經營多年的「達娜伊谷生態園區」也在一夕之間受到重創。現在,在台灣生態保育界曾獨領風騷二十多年的阿里山山美部落 達娜伊谷生態保育園區,已經重新開放園區了,但您是現在去的話可能會有一些小小的失望。在山美部落人的堅持下,加上各級政府單位及NGO組織的協助,大家 都在積極為復園作準備,其實三月一日起,園區就已經對外開放,但是因為園區基本設施未完成,暫不收費,不過在此特別呼籲想要先睹達娜伊谷生態園區災後復建 的民眾,進場時要特別注意安全及遵從園區規定。而園區的進出道路及賞魚步道也正在積極施工中,希望盡速完成,以恢復達娜伊谷榮景。




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