

2011/04/01 17:23
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啟動儀式 3/3 台南文化創意產業園區100年度系列活動 3/3 啟動儀式


 照片說明:啟動儀式 文創ㄟ蓋發發發發大字印章








Tainan, Taiwan Branch Office Government Monopoly
Japanese government in 1901 (Meiji thirty-four years) based in Taiwan Government Monopoly, this building should be built the same year as the Department of mo-type red brick building, turn left and right hook at the top of prominent fan-shaped and carved and painted with three lines, and Taipei Monopoly Bureau building the same. Has covered the east side of the pond garden and other ancient camphor trees, designated as municipal heritage and its scope. Name "of the original Taiwan Tainan Branch Office Government Monopoly. "
Monopoly Office of the Japanese occupation era red brick building, windows and doors pattern, similar to the original Tainan District Court. Present well-preserved, still for the original use. The rear has a Japanese garden, and "Chang Nam soil " and stone lions, stone, be covered in the scope.




Tainan Science Park in Taiwan's southern tip position, although the park has the most sophisticated base conditions, while it is also the most rich in depth and thickness of Taiwanese culture as a park. Creative Park in Tainan, "Creative Living"as the core, will be the "center of life style in Taiwan" for the implementation of positioning, fastening Li, Tainan rich cultural heritage and history of urban civilization, is self-explanatory displays of the city and the cultural capitalGrid.



1. 協助台南與南部區域發展「創意生活產業化」
2. 由台南出發,促進「台灣創意生活產業的國際化」


 As for the future direction of development of the four principles, the CCA will Tainan Science Park as a "media center in Tainan creative life", different from the specific artistic performances or exhibitions, where do the "cultural life and the industrial environment integration and innovation platform" to promote combination of technology and art, interactive creative experiment, the digital media technology used in digital media art and creative living space design. So the whole museum will be emergent in the planning, "interactive" meaning, in order to encourage people to take the initiative to close. Cultural and creative industries to the activities associated with full integration into the regional development function, the Cultural Heritage, said the Preparatory Office of General Management, Tainan Cultural Park in the space design of the basic functions, there are four directions: the first is the "large-scale urban recreation function "echo and the future integration of large open space in Tainan park activities. The second is the "academic and cultural function", the link and support Kung University, Kun Shan University, Tainan University of the Arts of academic resources, and to echo the media arts, and other related needs. The third is "the station area business function" as locations near the Tainan Railway Station, there are crowds and traffic convenience, thus adding to echo in the planning-led regional economic power, after activation, supporting a large number of urban activities have brought the business development needs. Finally, "cultural activities and creative industries, functional space requirements," echoed the environment for the development of creative industries need to shape the area's unique business culture.




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