
Environmental groups rally to support professor Chen Jian-hua – condemning the use of criminal and violent means

2011/03/28 14:08
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On the evening of the 21st of March 2011, Chen Jiao-hua, founder of Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association (TEPCA), president of Taiwan Environmental Protection Union and professor at Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science sustained injuries after being attacked by a man dressed in black. This follows on from attacks on Chen Xian-mao, secretary-general of Taiwan Environmental Information Association and Huang An-diao, president of Tainan Environmental Protection Union, who were violently attacked and had their tires punctured.

Environmental groups have good reason to believe that the attack on Chen Jiao-hua is related to her long-term opposition to Dungshan Landfill Site as well her continued work on raising awareness to water quality protection in Tainan and concern for electromagnetic hazards in the area. The groups involved have expressed strong indignation for these happenings and demand that the government face the situation head on to safeguard the peoples’ rights against these kinds of violent and menacing attacks.

Environmental groups rally to support professor Chen Jian-hua – condemning the use of criminal and violent means (by CJ Daku) 



譴責黑道暴力 社運環保團體聲援陳椒華教授(公民記者 大堀溪小兵  報導)


台灣電磁輻射公害防治協會創辦人、前台灣環保聯盟會長、嘉南藥理科技大學陳椒華教授,3月21日晚間遭黑衣人襲擊受傷。這是繼東山自救會總幹事陳顯茂、台南 環保聯盟前會長黃安調遭受座車輪胎被戳破與暴力攻擊以來的第三起黑道威脅。環保團體合理懷疑,這起暴力事件,應該與陳老師長期反對東山永揚掩埋場的污染事 件,並參與南台灣水資源保育與電磁波公害有關。社運團體對於此事件深感憤怒,強烈要求政府應正視此一事件,限期破案,以保障人民免於暴力威脅恐懼的自由。




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