Building new hopes for Liugui’s spas
Typhoon Morakot inflicted heavy damage on Kaohsiung’s Liugui Township causing a serious decline on tourism in the area. Local businesspeople expressed that over a year after the devastating Typhoon, they are still facing the difficult and lengthy process of rebuilding and repairing their properties. Furthermore, they face real pressure to pay back bank loans, something that has forced many of them to seriously consider packing up. However, with such deep roots and connection with the local community, it is anything but easy to walk away. Spa proprietor Chen Jin-xiang expressed his hopes that the government can lend a helping hand in advertising the outstanding area, where visitors can not only relax at the hot springs but also enjoy mountaineering, hiking and the beauty of nearby forests. Restaurant owner Chen Yi-ling expressed her sincerest thanks to all the friends who have given assistance through these difficult times. She hopes that together they can develop a fresh new tourism itinerary and bring back the boom times and thriving economy of previous years where tourists flocked to this area for its wonderful scenery and first-class spas.
Building new hopes for Liugui’s spas (by CJ Domo Works)
重建心希望 六龜不老泉(公民記者 瞳夢工場 報導)
八八水災重創高雄六龜,使得六龜觀光業一落千丈,當地業者表示,在八八水災的衝擊下,一年多來面臨重建艱難,店家重修、銀行還款壓力及現實民生問題, 曾一度想放棄,但是對在地生根的情感實在難以割捨。溫泉業者陳進祥表示,希望政府能多多行銷六龜觀光產業,遊客來到這邊除了泡湯,還可以登山健行、享受森 林浴。餐廳業者陳羿伶表示,感謝在這段日子幫助六龜重建的朋友們,希望發展新的旅遊行程,再現不老溫泉的往日繁榮景象。