
Linsen Road’s crazy ‘street dancer’ attracts police concern

2011/03/28 14:05
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An eighteen year-old adolescent who has taken his dance routine to the streets of Chiayi City is causing quite commotion with passersby and local police alike. At exactly 4pm each day, cued by the bell to finish school, young Gao Zhi-hui begins his dance routine across from Xing Hua Middle School on Linsen East Rd in Chiayi City’s East District amid the roar of traffic. On asked why he has chosen to dance on the busy main road, he replied, “I want to be famous”, “ I want to get the opportunity to be an entertainer”. Gao Zhihui is from Kaohsiung and was raised by his adopted father Liu Zhi-qiang, attending Private Dong Wu Senior Industrial Home Economics Vocational High School. He has shown a keen interest in dance since the tender age of 5, but has never had the opportunity to receive professional dance training through regular means.

He has instead relied on watching movies and mimicking the street performers he witnessed in the park to slowly develop his own unique style. He chose the busy Linsen East Rd. to perform his dance routine, however not everyone is happy about it. Many passersby and the local police deem his behavior not acceptable and certainly not anything to be encouraged. Many believe his dance routine in the street is extremely dangerous and has the potential to cause a traffic accident. Subsequently, the possibility that Gao Zhi-hui will face charges of public disorder can not be ruled out. However, Gao Zhi-hui is already known as ‘ The Linsen Rd. Street Dancer’ and ‘ Xinghua Rd. Street Dancer’, so it seems his dream to become famous has to some degree been realized!

Linsen Road’s crazy ‘street dancer’ attracts police concern (by CJ Righteous Envoy)



林森「街舞哥」馬路玩瘋 引來警方關切 影音(公民記者 公義使者 報導)


嘉義市林森東路與博東路口一帶,每到下午四點「興華中學」下課鐘響,在大馬路旁,一名年僅 18歲的青少年高志輝為了愛現、想紅,大膽變裝就在馬路上大跳街舞,問他為什麼選擇在大馬路上跳舞,他說「因為我想紅,希望有機會能當藝人。」高志輝肄業 於嘉義市東吳高職資訊科,是高雄人,從小被養父劉志強收養,五歲開始對舞蹈特別感興趣,但一直沒有機會循正常管道接觸舞蹈專業訓練,高志輝靠著影片或到公 園觀摩街頭藝人表演,自己創作新舞步,他選擇人潮洶湧的林森東路與博東路一帶,做為發表舞藝的場所,但旁人褒貶不一,警方則認為高志輝的行為不值得鼓勵, 若因此造成重大交通事故,高志輝就有涉及公共危險的疑慮,已經對他道德勸說。但高志輝已被封為「林森街舞哥」、「興華街舞哥」,可能已經達到想紅的目的 了。




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