Transformation – Pingtung sugarcane factory
Over the decades, the sugarcane factory has slowly worked its way into the hearts and minds of local families. It has served the community’s financial needs for countless years as well as providing dwellings for local workers and creating a wonderful environment for them to use –etching the sugarcane factory into the resident’s childhood memories. Around the country, the destiny of sugarcane factories has been anything but the identical, some being abandoned and some being reconstructed to continue to accompany the local residents on their journey through life.
The CJ interviewed many of the locals to find out their feelings on the sugarcane factory. Pingtung’s Renai Elementary School teacher Hong Shi-ya, vividly remembers the sugarcane factory’s train engines hauling loads of sugarcane and her father had told her that when he was a boy and there was nothing to eat they would make their way to the sugarcane train and pinch a few sticks to eat. Miss Huang, a local resident of Pingtung City, also shared how over the years she has brought her son, daughter and now grandsons and granddaughters to idle away the time in and around the factory. She also mentioned that although the new ice cream and popsicles are more fashionable, however she and many others like her terribly miss the old traditional flavors and styles from yesteryear.
Transformation – Pingtung sugarcane factory (by ellenlee)
蛻變。屏東糖廠 (公民記者 ellenlee 報導)
幾十年來,「糖廠」在台灣人民的家庭生活中,扮演了重要的經濟後盾,它提供的社區居住環境,在民眾心中,更是童年兒時歷久彌新的珍藏回憶。因為經濟環境變 遷,各地的糖廠有的荒廢有的重建,有的維持原狀,持續陪伴著我們。公民記者訪問多位屏東民眾,譬如屏東仁愛國小老師洪詩雅,她印象中糖廠的火車都是載運甘 蔗使用,而父親也常告訴她,以前小時候沒東西吃,都會跑去火車最後一節抽甘蔗來吃。屏東市民黃小姐也分享她對糖廠的記憶,從前帶著兒女來此消磨周末時光, 現在都已經當阿嬤了,也常帶孫子來走走逛逛。另外還有許多人都掛念的傳統冰棒與冰淇淋,雖然現在的產品比較新潮,但是大家還是懷念著古早味。