
2010 Obtaining International Recognition -A bumper year for expanding new services-

2011/03/08 18:03
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2010 Obtaining International Recognition -A bumper year for expanding new services-

In 2010, the three-year-old PeoPo platform steadily expanded its scope and field of vision, repeatedly catching the international spotlight and winning much praise, establishing PeoPo as a major pipeline in disseminating citizen news.

In February 2010, Phil Harding, a veteran journalist and media consultant who has worked at the UK’s BBC for over 40 years made a special visit to PeoPo, where he was warmly surprised and indicated his complete approval of the platform. On his return to England he shared his findings in ‘The Guardian’, one of the most prestigious newspapers in the UK, if not the world, commenting on his hopes that PeoPo would become a model for citizen journalism platforms. In March, at the World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference, PeoPo won the admiration and appreciation of many prominent public figures as well as indigenous people from all over the country for its news reports and continued follow-up of the Typhoon Morakot disaster. In the hope of broadening the scope into the international field of view, PeoPo is now offering a weekly Podcast report that has been translated into English on Apple i-Tunes, sharing with international friends all the latest happenings in Taiwan.

The continued innovation of its service is PeoPo’s motivating force and at the beginning of March PeoPo Webcast began broadcasting a number of new programs including, ‘Introducing Citizen Journalists’, ‘Recommendations from Visiting Chief Editors’, and ‘PeoPo Talk’. On the anniversary of Typhoon Morakot, PeoPo raised ‘Typhoon Morakot Anniversary - PeoPo Citizen Journalist Observers’, which called on citizen journalists from far and wide to continue covering the post-Typhoon Morakot Disaster reconstruction process. In the area of training and education, PeoPo held video workshops in both Kaohsiung and Taipei, which were led by well-known directors who instructed citizen journalists in technical skills and concept sharing, helping CJ’s to improve the quality of their reports. Furthermore, in a drive to improve the service given to CJ’s, PeoPo produced the highly educational DVD ‘How to Shoot a News Report’, which answers just about every possible question and solves every possible problem associated with the process of making a news report. Additionally, at the end of 2010, PeoPo presented each and every CJ with a Website revision, improving the visual appearance, and also enlarging the limit for uploading films from the original 100mb to 200mb.
Whilst continuing to provide its usual services, PeoPo also worked hard to bring local citizen journalists and grassroots organizations together, and without pause for breath organized 12 such meetings over the course of the year. The meetings were held the length and breath of Taiwan covering all the hot local grassroots issues, helping to build bridges between citizen journalists and local groups, and facilitating mutual exchange and understanding. There were also academic forums that invited specialists and CJ’s with first hand reporting experience to interact and share their ideas. Many scholars who are involved in researching the development of citizen journalism affirmed the effectiveness and importance of PeoPo, and also put forward many valuable suggestions for its further development.

PeoPo is looking forward to blazing new innovative trails to further improve its service in 2011, hopefully increasing both the quality and quantity of CJ reports, and continuing to provide an essential pipeline for citizens to voice out.


2010 獲國際肯定 擴大新服務的豐收年



2010年2月,英國BBC新聞總監Phil Harding參訪台灣公視,專程參觀PeoPo平台並給予高度肯定,之後他並於英國重要媒體「衛報」發表專文,期許PeoPo成為公民新聞的發展典範。 3月份,在世界原住民族廣電大會中,PeoPo平台更以八八水災後續,各地原住民部落相關報導的簡報,獲得與會人士的讚賞。為求擴寬國際視野,PeoPo 平台也躍上Apple iTune Podcast 服務,每周並精選公民報導譯為英文,讓國際友人一同分享台灣公民新聞經營的成果。

不斷創新服務,更是PeoPo平台前進的動力。3月初,網路節目PeoPo Webcast開播,陸續增設「公民記者介紹」、「客座總編輯」、「PeoPo Talk」等新單元。在八八水災周年,也舉辦「八八水災周年-公民記者觀察員活動」,呼籲各地方公民朋友持續以鏡頭關心災區重建進度,獲得熱烈迴響。而在 教育訓練方面,在台北與高雄更各增創兩天一夜的影音工作坊,邀請知名導演帶隊,指導公民記者拍攝技術與觀點分享,讓公民報導更上層樓。為服務更多有心於公 民報導的朋友,PeoPo平台也製作「公民新聞拍攝教學DVD」,拍攝上的疑難雜症,都可以在教育訓練光碟中找到完整解答。而2010年終,PeoPo平 台送給每位公民記者的禮物,則是網頁大改版,除了視覺表現更加清晰之外,上傳影音檔案大小也由100MB增加為200MB。

開創服務活水的同時,PeoPo平台也持續經營在地公民記者與社團組織。一年不停歇、12場公民記者聚會的腳步,走遍台灣北中南東,與在地朋友一同關心地 方公共議題,也促成了社團組織與公民記者的交流認識。而學術性的公民新聞論壇活動,則提供專家學者與第一線公民記者互動分享的機會,許多研究公民新聞發展 的學者,肯定PeoPo平台的經營,也針對PeoPo平台提出許多寶貴的發展建議。




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