
Concern for children’s education station

2011/03/08 16:35
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On the 22nd of February, The Taiwan Catholic Mission Foundation came to Guhua Catholic Church Square in Chunri Township, Pingtung County, to bring the ‘Concern for children’s education station’. The motivation lying behind the initiative is to provide local underprivileged children the opportunity to receive tutoring in literature, math, art and English as well as various other activities. It is hoped this will introduce to the children a more lively and fun way to learn and absorb new information and knowledge.

On the day, Guhua Elementary School specially invited 40 children from the school to take part in the activities, in addition to archbishop Liu Zhen-zhong of Kaohsiung Parish, the mayor of Chunri Township Chen Zhao-zhong, headmaster of Chunri Elementary School Han Yue-xiang and a number of other honored guests who all attended the inauguration ceremony. The ceremony was simple, plain, and full of enthusiasm, the focus being more on the zeal and dedication of the teachers and students of the school.

‘Concern for children’s education station’ (by CJ sailjan)



兒童教育關懷站(公民記者 sailjan  報導)


天主教博愛基金會,2月23日在屏東春日鄉古華天主堂廣場,成立兒童教育關懷站,主要是提供原鄉貧困兒童課後的課業輔導與教學,包括語文教學、數學教學、 英文會話與藝文活動等等,讓他們能以更活潑的方式吸收知識,幫助他們快樂成長。成立當天還特別邀請古華國小40幾位學童參與活動,天主教高雄教區劉振忠總 主教,以及春日鄉長陳昭忠、古華國小校長韓月香等幾位貴賓,也特地到場全程參與,並共襄揭牌儀式,整個活動簡單慎重但充滿人情味,焦點都集中在幾位熱心奉 獻時間的老師和小朋友身上。




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