Tomorrow’s Linali
On the 25th of December 2010, Linali Tribal Village in Majia Township, Pingtung was full of excitement. Linali is a shared name comprising of three tribal villages in Kaohsiung, including Dashe, Haocha and Majia Community. Although the villagers now have somewhere to stay, however the situation is anything but permanent. In addition the elderly residents are unfamiliar with a life outside of the mountains and are finding it extremely difficult to adapt to life in the lowlands. The only way out for the younger generation seems to be to join training programs to learn the traditional arts of the tribe and establish a workshop to make products.
Older residents would jump at any chance to get back to the mountains where they could grow their own vegetables, eliminating one of their main costs, and easing the main concern and element for worry in their lives – money! As the village houses were only built for a five year lifespan, some residents are extremely worried about a permanent place to live and ask, after the 5 year period is up, what will they do? As a result, some locals have started to strengthen the houses, and began adding an indigenous flavor to their surroundings.
Tomorrow’s Linali (by CJ KuKuSao)
禮納里的明天(公民記者 酷酷嫂 報導)
2010年12月25日,位於屏東瑪家鄉的禮納里部落熱鬧入住,從今而後,「禮納里」是大社、好茶、瑪家,三個原住民部落共同的名字。雖然有房子可以住, 但是中繼屋轉為永久屋、老人家不習慣山下的生活,年輕人對未來更是焦慮。年輕人大部份的出路是,參加原民會培訓計畫、學習文化創意產業、將原住民元素融 入,希望成立工作室來賺錢生活。而老人家則會找機會回到山上耕種,因為自己耕種不需要花錢買菜,在山上生活樣樣都要錢,經濟來源堪慮。另外也有居民憂心永 久屋的建材與趕工成果,最多只能支撐五年,五年之後又該怎麼辦?於是有居民自己動工補強、加入原住民的元素。