
Zhui fen railway station, Zhui fen memories

2011/03/08 16:31
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Over the years, this railway station has brought with it many tourists to come and wander around the town’s streets, and has grown side by side with the town and its people, witnessing all of the ups and downs. An intimate relationship between the station and the people has slowly grown, memories of which have been etched with each and every local resident. Zhuifun is an old railway station with a history stretching back to 1922 and the Japanese occupation of Taiwan. It is situated in the Dadu District of Taichung City and is on the eve of its ninetieth anniversary.

In the Japanese language ‘Zhui fen’ means ‘difference’, indicating that once trains have arrived at the station on the coastal line they must choose from two possible routes, one going to Chang Hua in the west and the other going to Taichung. This time-honored station has witnessed the people’s vicissitudes, and the blossoming of relationships of coutless young lovers, who often visit the station on the eve of their wedding to pay homage through their wedding photos. Many of the workers at the station say they never want to leave this magnificent timber build Japanese station, a place that has seen the past and will no doubt see far into the future.


Zhui fen railway station, Zhui fen memories (by CJ Yadai)



追分驛.追分憶 (公民記者 亞大觀點 報導)


一座車站,乘載著旅客在城市中流動,也伴隨地方的成長與變遷,串連著每個人的回憶與關係。追分車站位於台中市大肚區,追分是一座老車站,從1922年日據時 代至今即將要邁向90個年頭,「追分」在日文中的意思就是「分歧」,意指火車海線到此要分為兩條,一條往彰化、一條往台中。歷史悠久的追分車站也見證許多 居民的成長以及地區變遷,有情侶的愛在這裡滋長,結婚前夕不忘到車站拍婚紗;也有在這工作的員工說:永遠不會再離開這裡,木造的日式建築,看見了過去,也 看見了未來。




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