
Banqiao Railway Station law and order appears to have a loophole

2011/03/04 11:03
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PeoPo推 1

Banqiao, which sits in the heart of New Taipei City, boasts a fast and convenient transport system as well as numerous department stores where you can literally ‘shop till you drop’. Despite boasting such a modern and well-connected transport system that attracts hoards of shoppers, the area surprisingly lacks any apparent public security equipment to safeguard people’s property! New Taipei City Government is located in the vicinity and has set up many bike racks for public use. What is astonishing is that is spite of providing so many bike racks, not one video surveillance camera has been installed to help safeguard the public’s property. Do the people using these racks know that in this area everyone has to look after themselves? Some people have used large locks to secure their bicycle to the rack, others have gone as far as to use handcuffs, but in reality these measures are of little use against today’s thieves.

In the Chinese New Year one Mr. Su, who had only just recently bought a new bicycle, parked near the East Gate of Banqiao Railway Station, and in a few short hours thieves had already cut the lock and made off with his pride and joy. The young man made inquires at New Taipei City Government Police Bureau where he was informed that as the bike racks were installed during the last County Commissioner’s period in office, a time when the funds available fell short of the extra expense to install video surveillance, people wishing to use the racks need to take their own measures to safeguard their property as the police can’t examine video footage to catch the culprits. The relevant authority should quickly put in place a policy to solve this problem.


Banqiao Railway Station law and order appears to have a loophole


新北市淪陷 板橋車站治安現漏洞(公民記者 kino 報導)


新北市的交通樞紐,板橋車站,有便捷的交通運輸系統,也有百貨公司可以逛街,但這裡治安似乎缺少一點保障。新北市政府在板橋車站的週邊設立許多腳踏車停放 處,雖然能夠提供給民眾一個停放腳踏車空間,但這些腳踏車停放處四周,確沒有裝設任何的監視設備保護民眾的安全。停放在這些腳踏車停車處的民眾,是否只能 自求多福?有人裝上大鎖緊靠著鐵架,甚至有民眾連手銬都派上用場,不過這些動作似乎對宵小沒有任何作用。過年期間就有一位蘇先生將才剛買不久的小摺,停在 板橋車站東二門的週邊;不到幾個小時;小摺腳踏車就馬上被竊賊盯上、剪斷鎖頭,偷走腳踏車。公民記者詢問台鐵警察局與台鐵人員後得知,這些自行車停車處是 上任縣長任內的政策,但苦於經費不足沒有設立監視設備,因此無法調帶出來查案。民眾安全是否只能靠自己小心?相關單位應該快拿出有效的政策。




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