
Laiyi Indigenous Museum marches towards America

2011/03/04 10:57
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Laiyi Indigenous Museum was established to promote the aesthetic achievements of the tribe, including the ‘919 Historical Relics Rescue’, the training of the ‘Indigenous Color Dance and Song Group’, as well as the creative work of local artists and various other local activities. Additionally, the space has been made available to local schools to facilitate the teaching of their culture curriculum. On the 14th of December last year, an international bridge for cultural exchange was established after liaison with Taiwan’s National Palace Museum and Colorado State Museum, which was co-hosted with Laiyi County’s ‘Sharing Love’ activities. In the very near future local clansmen will be able to upload their own cultural images to share with American Indians on the Internet platform ‘I-share’.

Furthermore, on the 24th of February the tribe is raising another ‘Sharing Love Workshop’, an activity to help train workers in Paiwan Tribe’s Cultural Education and digitalized field work, as well as give training in operating multimedia equipment, bridging international boundaries and broadening students’ horizons with an all-new cross cultural, international curriculum.

Laiyi Indigenous Museum marches towards America (by CJ ‘’Valjeluk Katjadrpan’’)



(公民記者 來義鄉久拉卡拉久部落文化推展協會報導)


來義鄉文物館致力呈現部落之美,包括「919災區文物搶救」、「原色樂舞團」的培訓、駐館藝術家創作等活動,也不定時提供給學校做校外文化課程教室,去年 12月14日透過國立臺灣博物館和美國克羅拉多州立大學博物館,與本鄉共同辦理「愛分享」活動,建立起跨國文化交流的橋樑。在不久的將來,族人和印地安人 就可以透過I-share網路平台,上傳自身文化的數位影音紀錄。另外還在2月24日舉辦「愛分享」培訓工作坊,從排灣族文化教學、田調數位化採集培訓、 到多媒體硬體操作、來培養學員有跨國文化視野,課程等面面俱到。




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