Shiwen Reservoir construction chances remote
The Shiwen Reservoir is scheduled to be built in Chenri Township, Pingtung County, between the rivers of Shuaimang and Shiwen. The aim of the project is to provide sufficient water resources to meet the needs of the local Pingtung community. However as a result of an insufficient water catchment area, specialists have come to the conclusion that a weir, as well as a water diversion tunnel will need to be built. Plans have raised arguments in local residents both for and against the project, and the Water Resources Agency is currently conducting an environmental assessment. The diversion channel proposed to be build is particularly long which has worried residents that after construction, water supply will be insufficient to meet their needs for fruit trees, irrigation and all round general water usage, furthermore residents from the area proposed to be submerged are asking for increased land compensation.
After the CJ involved systematically examined all the relevant data, he discovered that the Shiwen Reservoir, proposed to be built in the southern part of Pingtung, would be adversely affected by the Ailiao Weir water intake system and consequently be unable to meet the water needs of the Kaohsiung area - in short nullifying the benefits of such a building project. The southern region requires the construction of a reservoir on a far grander scale if it wishes to meet the water needs of developing industry and the people of the area - this has already been planned and formally accepted in the form of the Meinong Reservoir.
Shiwen Reservoir construction chances remote (by CJ ’Valjeluk Katjadrpan)
士文水庫預定地,位於屏東縣春日鄉率芒溪支流士文溪之中游,規劃目的以滿足屏東地區性之水資源供給。因集水面積不足必須建攔河堰取水,並另建引水隧道,鄉 民正反意見都有,水資局也正在進行環境評估之中。水庫之引水渠道頗長,且居民擔心引水後會減少果樹灌溉用水,並要求對淹沒區土地應從優補償。公民記者整理 資料發現,位於南部區域中之屏東地區的士文水庫,受到隘寮堰取水系統增加供水量的影響,又無法提供高雄地區用水,所以毫無推動效益。南部區域至少必須再興 建一座大型水庫(已經核定興建之美濃水庫),方能因應南部區域未來產業發展及生活所需之用水。