
Electrical transformer post in the center of the road

2011/02/21 17:21
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The new Hsinpu MRT station, adjacent to the luxury apartment development in New Taipei City, was close to completion at the end of last year. However, once the protective railings surrounding the worksite were removed, a citizen journalist discovered that the MRT entrance had been covered by a new protective awning and that a new electrical transformer pillar had suddenly appeared in the very center of the road. Originally this electrical transformer pillar had been covered by a temple, however earlier this year, in January, a noticed was posted, the main theme was that the temple was violating building regulations as well as hampering the government road building project and stated that if the occupiers couldn’t prove within five days that the building was legal then it would be forcibly demolished.

After a short period of time elapsed, the temple was indeed demolished, however the electrical transformer pillar that had previously been sheltered within the temple grounds now stood precariously in the very center of the road. The CJ involved entertained the idea that maybe he should contact the relevant authorities to come and sort things out. However based on his personal experience of fruitlessly sending mail to the County Commissioner’s mailbox, only to receive the predictable reply, ‘Thanks for your concern, we will immediately deal with this problem’, (however doing absolutely nothing to resolve the situation) he decided that on this occasion it would be wishful thinking to believe anything positive would come as a result of his mail and opted not to contact the authorities.

Electrical transformer post in the center of the road (by dino.utopia)



路中央的變電箱柱 (公民記者 dino.utopia  報導)


新北市捷運站新埔站旁豪華建案,去年底大致完成,撤掉圍籬後,公民記者發現捷運新埔站還在新巨蛋的一樓新設立了一個出口。但路中間卻突兀地多了一根變電箱 柱。原來以前變電箱柱立在一座萬聖公廟前。今年一月初,廟門張貼告示,大意是「配合政府道路施工」,這座廟是「違章 建築」,須於文到5日內提出「有利事證」,否則強制拆除。過幾天之後廟真的不見了,而且變電箱柱因為失去廟的「掩蔽」就站到路中央來。公民記者調侃,這根 站在路中央的變電箱柱,他是不是該熱心的通知「相關單位」來處理?基於多次寫信到「縣長信箱」的經驗,得到的答覆通常是制式「非常感謝您的關心,我們會儘 速處理。」然後一切照舊,他覺得似乎不需多此一舉。





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