Grandma’s boiled dumplings
Grandma Wu Mei-yu, of Sihu Township, Yunlin County, has been given the arduous task of bringing up 3 grandsons all alone. Last year, after the community became aware of Mei-yu’s predicament, the people got together to help her start a small handmade dumpling business in the hope of improving her living situation. Mei-yu moved to Fei Dong Village in Sihu many years ago after marrying a local man, however three years ago her son lost his life in a terrible traffic accident and not long after her husband died of a disease – the whereabouts of her daughter-in-law is also not known.
Faced with this difficult situation, Mei-yu decided she had no option but to singlehandedly raise her three grandchildren, however she soon realized that eking out a living in the countryside is anything but easy. This added to the fact that Mei-yu is not getting any younger, has rather poor health and with the young age of her grandchildren is unable to leave the area to find work, things didn’t look too good. Fortunately, after receiving the warmhearted and enthusiastic help of the local community to open ‘Grandma’s Dumplings’, things are beginning to look up. Although the markup is low, however the turnover is high and local people often show up to lend a helping hand. Granda Wu Mei-yu can only express her gratitude and thanks for everyone’s help and support in her time of need.
Grandma’s boiled dumplings (by CJ DomoWork)
(公民記者 瞳夢工場(DomoWorks) 報導)
住在雲林縣四湖鄉的吳美玉阿嬤獨自扶養三個孫子,生活非常艱苦,去年社區民眾了解阿嬤的困境後,決定出錢出力幫她成立「阿嬤水餃」,希望可以改善阿嬤的生 活。吳阿嬤從高雄嫁到雲林縣四湖鄉飛東村,三年前,兒子車禍喪生,半年後丈夫又因病去世,媳婦也失去連絡。這段日子來,她獨自承擔扶養3個孫子的責任,但 是因為鄉下地方謀生不易,她年紀大、身體不是很好,而孫子年紀都還小,她也無法出遠門工作。經過熱心社區民眾的幫忙,成立「阿嬤水餃」,採薄利多銷方式, 社區媽媽也常常來幫阿嬤包水餃,阿嬤很感謝大家對她的支持。