
Jialan Report – Flood Prevention Line

2011/02/09 13:36
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PeoPo推 1

Looking down on Jialan from the air, where around 70 building were washed away by flood waters, the devastation caused by Typhoon Morakot is as evident as ever. The new riverside, where an embankment was quickly constructed as a temporary flood protection measure, has become the local children’s playground. On the temporary flood prevention embankment many families are hastily demolishing houses and preparing to move home as they are directly upon the line for the new flood prevention dyke that is about to be built. The compensation money for relocation and demolishing of homes has been divided up into two parts; one for the expropriation of land and houses; the other for expenses and costs incurred in the relocation and demolition process.

As far as the local residents are concerned however, the money given is a bittersweet reward – and just where they are going to live after the move is a huge problem that no one has the answer to. The villagers have no alternative but to look on helplessly as their dear homes are demolished, causing all kinds of deep feelings to well up inside. They know however that sacrificing their dearest homes is for the safety of the village, and hope that the pain of this heart rending event will be enough to pay for a safe and peaceful life in the future.

Jialan Report – Flood Prevention Line

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/70011

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/70012

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/70013


嘉蘭報告53---堤防治理線住戶(下) (公民記者 嘉蘭報告 報導)

從空中俯瞰台東嘉蘭部落,八八水災造成的損害餘悸猶存,當時嘉蘭有70幾棟房子被大水沖走,新的河岸邊,消波塊築成了一道臨時堤防,堤頂的便道就是當地小 朋友玩耍的地方。最近臨時堤防邊的十幾戶住家,都在忙著搬家拆房子,因為堤防治理線是即將興建的新堤防的界限,在這條路右側的房子都要拆掉。這次拆遷的補 償費分成兩部分,一個是土地與房子的徵收費,一個是所謂的拆遷獎勵金。對住戶而言,這獎勵金就像一份殘酷的禮物,接下來該住哪裡,也是一個大問題。眼睜睜 看著房子被拆遷,卻又是不得已的決定,居民心裡百感交集。犧牲自己心愛的家,只為了讓部落居民居住得更安全,居民只希望,這份痛苦的代價可以換來安穩的平 靜生活。




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