
Plum Trees Blossom in Penghu under Northeast Monsoon Winds

2011/02/09 12:15
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PeoPo推 1

It seems no less than a miracle that under fierce winds from the Northeast Monsoon, plum trees can put forth their beautiful blossoms. The ‘miracle’ has taken place in the Xiwei Community, in Magong City, where the man in charge of the plum trees, Mr Wang Cong-ming, has spent the four years from 2007 researching the secrets of cultivating plum trees. Getting plum blossoms on Penghu is anything but easy, and so to produce trees dripping with white plums blossoms resembling that of a snow laden landscape is quite simply a miracle. The trees are expected to stay in flower for one to two weeks, until after Chinese New Year, allowing everyone the opportunity to delight in this wonderful spectacle over the festive period.

In 2008 Penghu County’s Agriculture and Fishery Department planted 48 plum trees, build decking and a pavilion, and installed a lighting system in Mr Wang’s Plum Blossom Garden, so that no matter whether morning or night the people have the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful plum blossoms.

Xiwei Plum Blossom Garden has become Penghu’s definitive place to enjoy the flowers and birds of winter, and in the biting cold of this year’s Northeast Monsoon winds created a real cradle of warmth.

Plum Trees Blossom in Penghu under Northeast Monsoon Winds



東北季風吹拂下 澎湖開梅花(公民記者 澎湖代  報導)


在強烈東北季風吹拂下的澎湖能長出梅花,真的是件很神奇的事,長出梅花的地方,位於澎湖縣馬公市西衛社區,梅花主人王聰明先生花了四年時間研究栽培,從 2007年到現在年年開花,由於澎湖能種出梅花相當難得,全部開花時整片白茫茫的,有如下雪一般,預計開花期間將維持一至兩週(至農曆春節後),正值農曆 春節期間。澎湖縣政府農漁局在2008年在王聰明先生的梅花園周圍又加種48株梅花,並在老古石牆上鋪木板及裝置投射燈,甚至多加蓋一座涼亭,美化成一個 公園,也讓民眾不管白天晚上都能來欣賞梅花。西衛梅花園,儼然成為了澎湖居民冬天賞花、賞鳥的好去處,為凜冽的東北季風下帶來一絲優閒的溫暖氣息。




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