上午是paka tjanu curu,雖然也是刺球活動,但是每位勇士,刺球杆的高度,似乎都短了一大截,沒錯真的是短了一半,而且竿子都變的很輕巧。
Li li of force in the five tribal Maljeveq Festival,The fifth day of rituals activities,Compact the entire contents of rich,Separately divided into morning and afternoon。
Morning, paka tjanu curu,Although the activity is Pricklies,But every warrior,The high barbed club,Seem to have a big slice of the short,Right half is really short,And becomes very light pole。
This is a way of rituals,Loosen the pole of convergence at the festival,Pole of the left half of festival,To carry out ritual activities stab the ball。
Activities in the morning Pricklies,After the end of,All participants are brave stab the ball,Qiugan used cut off,To five years of sacrifice that maljeveq,Successful conclusion of the rituals。