
Village Transformation – Keeping an Innocent Heart

2011/01/24 16:26
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PeoPo推 2

In the past few years, Bantou Village in Hsinkang Towship in Chiayi County has saw a number of distinguished artists working together with local villagers to transform this once remote and forgotten place into a village brimming with the flavor of art and humanities. Chen Zhong-zheng, chairman of the Bantou Pottery Development Association, who has studied collage since an elementary student and has a good foundation in painting, combined the basics of Koji Pottery to turn a glass art into a pottery art – an extremely innovative breakthrough. In the past four to five years he has used the available space to develop the recreation industry, designing a wide variety of products and distributing them in every nook and corner around the village, receiving the enthusiastic approval of locals. A Koji collage chair takes up to 15 days to complete and so artisans are in the process of improving the production process.

The artisan movement in Hsinkang Township, Chiayi County is rich and flourishing, and the Feng Tian Temple has incense burning to pray to the Mazu Goddess. Walking through the village you will find the flavor and culture of the wonderful area, and experience many other surprises along the way.  

Village Transformation – Keeping an Innocent Heart (by CJ ellenlee)

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/69812


農村改造 童心不老(公民記者 ellenlee 報導)

嘉義縣新港鄉板頭村,近年來由幾位藝文人才與居民們共同努力,將昔日杳無人煙的小農村,蛻變成為充滿藝術人文氣息的藝術村。板陶窯文化發展協會理事長陳忠 正,從小學習剪黏技術,加上本身繪畫的基礎,結合交趾陶的底子,形成另一種突破,把玻璃換成陶瓷製品,在四五年前利用空間發展休閒產業,設計不同的東西置 放在社區各個角落,受到肯定。一張剪黏拼貼的椅子要做差不多十至十五天,目前藝術家們正在繼續進行改良製作的時程。嘉義縣新港鄉藝文活動十分活躍,不僅有 香火鼎盛供奉媽祖的奉天宮,走入社區偶然發現這些兼具地方特色與傳統文化的空間設計,會帶給你更多驚喜。




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