Snow Falls on the Plains of Taiwan
A number of mountain areas, including The Southern Cross-Island Highway in the direction of Suyang Mountain which hasn’t seen snow for 6 years, have been shrouded in snow after Taiwan suffered from a severe cold front. The early hours of the 16th saw excited tourists making the best of this rare sight, building snowmen at the railings and snapping wonderful images of the normally lush green forest as it lay blanketed in snow.
It wasn’t only the Southern Cross-Island Highway region that saw this white wonderland however. In Taipei’s northern areas, where temperatures dropped as low as 1.7 degrees below zero in and there was sufficient dampness in the atmosphere, many mountain areas all experienced snow falls. Taipei’s Datun Mountain witnessed sleet and Lala Mountian in Taoyuan County lay in snow. Additionally, Zhen Xibao in Simakusi, Chienshih Township, Hsinchu County as well as North Eastern Yilan’s ancient tree grove in Cilan, in the direction of Taiping Mountain and the Southern Cross-Island Highway all experienced snow falls. With the temperature so low and with sufficient moisture in the atmosphere, places like Suyang Mountain in the Southern Cross-Island Highway, have witnessed snow on this recent cold front, after a long 6 years period
Snow Falls on the Plains of Taiwan
台東平地也下雪!? (公民記者 欖仁居修行生活網 報導)
受到寒流來襲,台灣許多山區都降下白雪,有6年沒下雪的南橫公路向陽山,也降下了白雪。原本一片綠色的樹林,16日凌晨披上了一層靄靄白雪,遊客興奮的拍照 留念,還在欄杆上做了迷你雪人。不只在南橫,台灣北部出現最低溫,大屯山下探到了零下1.7度,又加上水氣充足,許多高山地區都降下白雪,像是北部的大屯 山降下冰霰以及桃園縣的拉拉山降下白雪,另外在新竹尖石鄉的司馬庫斯鎮西堡,東北部宜蘭的棲蘭神木園區與太平山,還有東部南橫公路向陽山也都降下白雪。由 於水氣充足加上低溫,已有6年從沒有下雪的東部南橫公路向陽山,在這一次的寒流來襲也降下白雪。