Next Stop - Mizhen
The villagers of Mizhen community, which lies along the western side of the coastal mountain range in Shoufeng Township, Hualian County, have come together to reestablish an ancient mountain path. The community applied to the Council Of Labor Affairs to strengthen manpower and managed to obtain the backing of the Soil And Water Conservation Bureau, all of which have helped them to begin restoration work to transform an ancient path into an ecological green walkway. Mizhen’s ecological walkway is a relaxed and gentle walk totaling 1700 meters, and taking an average of two hours to complete. The walkway is lined with majestic bamboo forests and crosses many pristine mountain streams, all of which have had fish ladders built to safeguard the local ecology.
Around halfway up the mountain, there is a perfectly positioned observatory platform, where walkers can gaze down on the river sandbanks below and on the mountain summit one can take in the magnificent panoramic view below where fields and valleys stretch out into the distance. In former days, Mizhen’s mountain path cut through the east coast mountain range, and was used by Shuilian Village farmers to transport an array of agricultural produce, including rice, to the markets in the Huadong thoroughfare below. Sadly, the mountain path was slowly replaced as the transportation network developed, and its functionality waned. Along with the demise of the ancient mountain path followed the abandonment of many settlements along its way.
Recently, The Soil And Water Conservation Bureau has begun work on the renovation of local public facilities, adorning the entrance with giant totems to bring to life the ancient culture of the Shuilian Villagers depicting farmers carrying their produce to the markets. The rice warehouse, the remaining vestige of the village’s rice industry has been transformed into a tourist center and this year the village has also come away with an award for ‘Outstanding Produce’ from the Farmer’s Association, bringing the spirit and life back to this almost forgotten village.
Next Stop - Mizhen (by CJ Donghua Languages Dept.)
(公民記者 東華語傳系 報導)
米棧社區位於花蓮縣壽豐鄉靠海岸山脈西側,社區居民自發性集結村民整理步道,更向勞委會申請擴大就業人力,進行古道維修,獲得水土保持局的支持,以生態工 法重新整建古道成為生態步道。米棧生態步道全長約1700公尺,徒步來回約只需兩小時,是一條輕鬆健身的步道,沿途有青翠的竹林,小溪設有人工魚梯維護魚 類生態,在半山腰的觀景臺可了望壽豐溪的沙洲,站在山頂棱線上可把縱谷平原的風光盡收眼底。米棧古道昔日曾是水璉村民運送稻米等農產,也是穿越海岸山脈到 花東縱谷銷售的要道,現代公路交通發達,古道運輸功能被取代,跟著古道形成的米棧聚落,連帶沒落。水保局近日著手整修當地公共設施,設置大陶甕當入口意 象,象徵米棧社區當年水璉村民運送稻米穿過古道,暫存在此地的米倉功能,米棧轉型成休閒旅遊勝地,也入圍今年度農委會優良農建工程獎,原本凋零的農村改頭 換面、再現風華。