
Kalala Coffe

2011/01/13 16:56
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PeoPo推 1

Located in the area of Hualian’s Wuhe Village, Kalala Tribe is one of the finest coffee growing areas established in 1932 by the Japanese. A few years ago The Farmer’s Association began promoting Wuhe coffee, which last year started to receive assistance in the hope of developing indigenous people’s industry. The Kalala Tribe treat the land with great love and care integrating the various local plant species and agricultural crops such as rice together to grow in harmony, and vehemently refuse to farm with a mono-crop mentality - making the land richer and more productive. 

They have also developed a different way of processing the beans to match the local conditions of water scarcity, ‘the honey method’, which unlike the traditional method of washing the beans with large quantities of water, instead directly sun dries the beans after the skin has been removed. This process not only retains the sweet flavor of the bean but also greatly reduces the amount of water wasted in processing. This cup of coffee is providing the indigenous people of the region with the possibility for economic autonomy, and reducing the gap between the farmer and consumer. Those promoting the coffee also hope that the industry can bring back more of the young people to the area and diminish many of the indigenous people’s problems.

Kalala Coffe (by CJ tzuchicom)



迦納納(Kalala)咖啡 (公民記者 慈大傳播站(tzuchicom) 報導)






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