
Champions of Sustainable Development

2024/06/13 21:00
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Champions of Sustainable Development—Taiwan Technical Mission Consultants Creating Sustainable Agricultue  in the West Asia Region

For most people, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are associated with camels and vast deserts. However, many are unaware of Taiwan’s long-standing relationship with these West Asia countries. In fact, Saudi Arabia provided significant assistance during Taiwan’s early economic development.

These two well-developed, oil-rich nations recognized Taiwan’s technological advantages and signed technical cooperation agreements in 1976 and 1987, respectively. Taiwan dispatched professional consultants to these partners in the resulting projects.

In recent years, the TaiwanICDF’s technical missions have provided policy consultation and industry guidance to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain /// in alignment with their agricultural development goals. This shows how the TaiwanICDF has expanded beyond its original role as a bridge between the West Asia region and Taiwan’s academic, government, and industry resources.




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