
BIG SUN Energy Technology Incorporation to be Sold Off - Change of Government Policy

2011/01/04 15:19
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On the 25th of December, president Ma Ying-Jiu visited the completion ceremony of Majia Farm in Pingtung County, where he was met by a group of residents from Linbian Township and Jiadong Township, the main disaster areas, holding white banners to air their grievances. After the turnaround in government policy regarding BIG SUN Energy a few days before, the residents wanted to confront president Ma, face to face, and ask him to give a full account of the situation. After Typhoon Morakot, the county government in Pingtung, Linbian and Donggang townships as well as other districts with serious subsidence problems, proposed a ‘Raise water, Grow electricity’ initiative, to help the local people move into the green energy market. Private companies immediately showed interest and a contract was signed with Taipower.

No one could have anticipated that on the afternoon of the 17th of December, one document from the Ministry of Economic Affairs could leave everyone so dejected and sad. The Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that they were going to revise their way of calculating the renewable energy/electrical energy wholesale buying tariff and changed the date of commencement from the date when the contract was signed to the date when the project would be completed, and stated that if companies could not finish the project by the end of the year then they would have to use the comparatively lower tariff rate of the following year.

With disappointed Pingtung County’s chief executive, Cao Qi-hong, said that the county government had guaranteed the people that the selling price of wholesale power would be fair, nowadays however it seems as though the government have made a U-turn. He feels deeply grieved that he had become a seeming accomplice to this economic policy, and the minister of the Minister of Economic Affairs, Shi Yan-xiang, commented that the biggest problem was that the Bureau of Energy ‘had insufficient experience’.

BIG SUN Energy Technology Incorporation to be Sold Off - Change of Government Policy – President Ma Breaks Promise with the People (by CJ menglin)



太陽光電躉售政策大轉彎 馬政府失信於民(公民記者 風翦樹(menglin)報導)






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