
Homeless Rehabilitation Center-A Leisurely Life

2011/01/04 15:16
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PeoPo推 1

In northern Taiwan’s Wanli Homeless Rehabilitation Center, each resident has a customized set of daily tasks. The centre provides a wide range of specialized job training courses and residents, who depending on life experience and technical ability, are assigned to an appropriate group to work in. There is a diverse selection of classes including crash courses in both cooking and horticulture giving residents a chance to get back into a more routine and normal life.

One example is Mr Chen, who is the team leader of the horticultural class, and a guide to many of the residents at the center. He has also, with his added ability in carpentry, taken a once wild and forsaken piece of land behind the center and transformed it into a paradise full of fragrant herbs. The center is not only a place for homeless people to learn new skills, but also provides a place for them to reconnect with society and to find new direction and goals in life.

Homeless Rehabilitation Center-A Leisurely Life (by CJ TKTV)



遊民重建中心─優遊之家(公民記者 淡江大傳(TKTV) 報導)






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