
Ma-tou Theatre Set to Close

2010/12/29 15:24
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One of Tainan County’s last remaining theatre houses, positioned downtown in Tainan County’s Ma-tou City, is unable to bear the long-term financial losses any longer, and as a result will close down for good at the end of the month. As the theatre has a long fifty-year history and holds many memories for the people of Matou, it was no surprise that on hearing the sad news of Matou Theatre’s demise many people rushed back to Matou to take in the theatre’s unique experience and reminisce on their youth one last time.

With a history extending back sixty years to the Japanese era, the Quan-mei theatre is the only other long-established theatre house in Tainan. However, even though the Quan-mei theatre has a sixty-year history it is by no means bound up in convention and has combined its history and culture to create new opportunities, developing a serious of related products and opening up the space inside the theatre to hold a number of special activities, allowing the theatre to expand into new areas and open up new possibilities.


Ma-tou Theatre Set to Close – Old Theatre’s Struggle for Survival (by CJ Dept. of Mass Communication)


麻豆戲院歇業 老戲院生存問題備受關注(公民記者 長榮大傳系 報導)


位在台南縣麻豆鎮鬧區上的『麻豆戲院』,是台南縣最後一家戲院,因為不堪長期的虧損,在2010年10月底正式歇業,有50多年歷史的『麻豆戲院』,是不少麻豆人的回憶,許多民眾聽到麻豆戲院要停業,都很捨不得,趕在戲院結束之前,回到麻豆戲院找尋他們的回憶。在台南還有另一家歷史悠久的戲院─『全美戲院 』,從日據時代經營至今,已經邁入了一甲子,雖然是60年的老戲院,但它不墨守成規,反而將老戲院的悠久歷史結合文化創意,開發一系列的周邊產品,也利用戲院的展演空間舉辦一些特殊活動,讓老戲院可以發展出新的可能。『全美戲院』的成功例子,也許可以給『麻豆戲院』這類的老戲院一個參考借鏡。




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