
Can Chung Hsing New Village Be Preserved?

2010/12/29 15:20
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PeoPo推 1

It is sad to imagine that taking a stroll in the spotless tree lined alleys of Chung Hsing New Village, where flowers and shrubs abound, could become a thing of the past, however that is just what may happen if Central (Miaoli) Science-based Industrial Park’s have their way. Fifty years ago Chung Hsing New Village became the chosen location for the offices of the Taiwanese government. What sets Chung Hsing New Village apart from other places in Taiwan is that the planning and building were based on the English garden suburb theme. In this idyllic setting every house had its own courtyard, and nature along with health were paramount.

The village was planned in a horseshoe shape, with a public park, independent ground water system and its own water treatment plant. Unfortunately, Central (Miaoli) Science-based Industrial Park’s development plan may still possibly go ahead. After the recent happenings in Dapu Miaoli and Danshui’s Old Street, locals are anxious and raising the question, ‘In ten years what will be left for posterity?” It is hoped that attention can be raised towards this important issue. No matter whether it’s for the sake of history, or for the sake of architecture, this special village should surely be preserved for future generations.

Central (Miaoli) Science-based Industrial Park in Fifth Phase of Development – Can Chung Hsing New Village Be Preserved? (by CJ DuoDuoBird)


中科五期!中興新村文化資產如何保存? (公民記者 多多鳥 報導)






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