
Starvation, Imprisonment, Death– The Truth Behind Buying House Pets

2010/12/22 18:13
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From the 22nd to the 25th of December a group of dog lovers who liaise on-line will fast and imprison themselves for 100 hours to bring awareness to the plight of stray dogs. They hope to urge people to foster dogs instead of buying them from pet shops, and end the ruthless and cruel business of breeding dogs for sale in pet shops. Every year in Taiwan, over one hundred thousand stray dogs are caught, of which 75 percent need to be culled and another 12 percent die of illness in animal refuge centers. In the past few years the proportion of purebred dogs and cats caught has became higher and higher. One reason is that it is becoming less popular for people in the cities to raise mixed-breeds, who are instead raising purebreds, and as a result the proportion of purebred dogs that have been abandoned has also risen. The main reason however seems to be the abandonment of these purebreds from breeding kennels.

Not matter whether the dogs are purebreds or hybrids, if by chance the dogs get caught and are sent to the animal refuge, it is rare that anyone is interested in fostering them. Not long after entering the refuge the animals will face culling or die from illness, starvation or wounds inflicted by other animals in the abysmal conditions – a situation that is simply abominable.  In a bid to reverse this tide of suffering an animal protection NGO has initiated the ‘ Starvation, Imprisonment and Death – The Truth Behind Buying House Pets’ movement, to inform people of the pain and endless suffering dogs are put through due to the buying and selling of dogs.


Starvation, Imprisonment, Death – The Truth Behind Buying House Pets (by CJ dino.utopia)


飢餓、囚禁、死亡-購買寵物的背後(公民記者 dino.utopia 報導)


2010.12.22-25,一群關心動物保護的網友將以「囚禁與斷食100小時」的方式,籲請大家以認養代替購買,終結黑心繁殖虐待。全台灣每年捕捉超 過10萬隻流浪狗,其中約75%遭到撲殺,其餘12%病死於動物收容所。近年來收容所裡捕捉的貓狗中,純種比例越來越高,其原因為大都會地區民眾飼養混種 狗的比例下降,但購買純種狗比例增加,因而純種狗遭棄養的比例也越來越高。但更重要的是從繁殖場一批批棄養的犬隻,才是主要的來源。不管混種狗還是純種 狗,一旦被捉進收容所,12天內無人認養,便遭到撲殺,而收容所內環境惡劣,許多狗或染病而死,或互咬致死,或渴死餓死,情況悽慘。民間保護動物協會發起 【飢餓、囚禁、死亡:買寵物的背後】行動,希望告訴民眾買狗會讓無數犬隻陷入飢寒交迫,最後走上死亡。




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