Passing Traditional Chinese Music on to Future Generations
With over 100 years of BeiGuan history, although the Beiguan Music Group of Hsinkang Township in Chiayi County get together regularly for rehearsals, however with a shortage of youngsters to take up this traditional music, Beiguan is slowly fading into obscurity. Unfortunately, professor Chen Zhao-jiang, teacher at Hsinkang Elementary School, recently resigned from his teaching position exacerbating the already difficult position of Beiguan in the area.
Currently, the school Beiguan Club has no shortage of difficulties - forced to squeeze in their practice during the period for raising the flag, an inadequate practice area, no teacher on-site to instruct them – and so are forced to make do with the elders in the club leading the group. The Beiguan performers need a wide selection of instruments in order to perform including drums, percussion instruments, a variety of two-stringed fiddles, a Chinese oboe, and stringed instruments. Sadly, without a proper teacher for the kids it’s unlikely that they will make much real improvement.
Passing Traditional Chinese Music on to Future Generations (by CJ Zhongzheng)
北管舞鳳軒 文化待傳承 (公民記者 中正E報(E NEWS) 報導)
經過了百年歷史,嘉義新港北管舞鳳軒雖然目前還會定期排練,但是缺少年輕人的學習和承襲,也使得北管文化面臨逐漸凋零的危機。曾在新港國小教授北管的師傅 陳朝江,最近辭去教學工作,讓北管文化的傳承問題浮上檯面。現在新港國小北管社只能安排在升旗時間練習,練習場地也不夠寬廣,再加上沒有師傅親自傳授,只 能靠著高年級的學長姐來帶領才能繼續維持下去。一般北管戲曲所需要的基本樂器有得鼓、通鼓等打擊樂器,另外也有嗩吶、胡琴、大廣弦等吹奏和拉弦樂器的輔助。可是因為缺乏師傅的傳授,小朋友很難學到進階的樂器和戲曲。