
"Medical Better Off" - A New Chapter in Scarless Life, Uninterrupted Information, and a World Without White Scars

2023/12/04 21:36
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The establishment of the International White Scar Center is driven by its core mission to create a "world without white scars and medical equality," providing seekers of white scar treatment worldwide the opportunity for a rebirth in a new chapter of life through the mantra of "Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar." The founder of the International White Scar Center actively participates in a series of domestic and international medical exchanges (including conferences, seminars, lectures, etc.) to share the international patented translational medical surgery - the White Scar Color Regeneration Procedure.


With "Medical Better Off" as the central philosophy, the expansion of outpatient services aims to gather more seekers of treatment, enhancing overall medical professionalism and providing the most cutting-edge medical care to those seeking treatment. Dr. Tsao, the global innovator of the White Scar Color Regeneration Procedure, upholds the philosophy of "Love Makes Whole," as advocated by Dr. Noordhoff, generously imparting the latest knowledge and techniques of contemporary white scar treatment to the international community.

During the recent Asia-Pacific International Academic Conference on Craniofacial and Cleft Lip and Palate, Dr. Tsao presented a lecture on "Aesthetic Craniofacial Reconstruction," focusing on the white scar color regeneration technique for cleft lip scars—a groundbreaking technology that renders nearly invisible scars to the naked eye. This technique garnered widespread attention from international physicians and became a highlight of the conference. The conference serves as an opportunity to synchronize medical information; medical knowledge should be equally accessible to everyone, and advanced medical information should not be confined to specific groups or classes.

Reflecting on more than 30 years ago when Dr. Tsao served as the founding director of Plastic Surgery at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, overseeing craniofacial reconstruction for cleft lip and palate patients. After three decades of development, he successfully integrated his experience and technology to establish the "Aesthetic Craniofacial Reconstruction," sharing related papers at the 2023 academic conference.

This presentation is reminiscent of the ISAPS International Academic Conference held in Miami five years ago, once again confirming the remarkable aspects of white scar regeneration technology. Dr. Tsao firmly believes that technology arises from human needs and emphasizes the importance of "Cure White Scar, Cure Mind Scar," making it a highlight of "transforming both the body and the mind." Form does not merely signify appearance; metaphysically, morphology, and form impact the intangible through visual perception, affecting both the tangible and intangible aspects of individuals.

The successful application of this white scar regeneration technology has convinced many attendees that, through the combination of 30 years of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery techniques, patients with cleft lip and palate can finally eliminate visible traces, resolving the emotional hurdles in their hearts—effectively treating white scars and eliminating emotional scars. The philosophy of "Love Makes Whole," advocated by Dr. Noordhoff, continues to be passed on through the extension of love, bringing this technology to more people in need and contributing positively to society.

International White Scar Center



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