Woman’s Golden Dragon Dance
A group of courageous housewives in Wanhui Community, Wandan Township, Pingtung County have decided to challenge themselves. The women, some as old as 70, have come together to form a women’s golden dragon dance group, something they never thought possible. They have no fear of hardship and have already been training for 6 months, dancing the 15-minute routine four or five times per session.
Sustaining injuries and falls seems to have become part of their lives in this dance troupe, however members have not let this interfere with their class and continue to train unperturbed. In the hands of these amazing women the golden dragon seems to take on a new life, which is why at present every temple in the area is inviting them to perform at festivals. Through the dance of the golden dragon these women have found a priceless sense of achievement.
Grandmas Face Hardship Head on – Woman’s Golden Dragon Dance (by CJ Chang Rong)
婆婆媽媽不怕苦 女子金龍舞夢想 (公民記者 長榮大傳系 報導)
在屏東萬丹鄉萬惠社區有一群家庭主婦,有的已經高齡七十多歲,她們想挑戰自我,組成了一個讓大家意想不到的「女子金龍隊」,她們不畏懼練習的辛苦,花了半年 的時間練習,一套15分鐘的金龍陣,一個晚上要跳四五次。練習過程中摔倒受傷是家常便飯,但是成員堅持練習,沈重的金龍在她們手上像是有了生命,她們的努 力也有了成果,現在各大節慶全台的廟宇都會邀請她們去表演,這群婆婆媽媽因為手中的金龍,感到了無比的成就感。