Tale of a Toilet
In the Xinmin Building at Hsinchu senior high school in Hsinchu City, the disabled toilet beside the classrooms has always been provided for students with a disability. However due to the toilets close proximity to the staff room, the toilet has been converted into a toilet for staff only. After changing the sign, the school never took the initiative to inform those disabled students who regularly use the toilet. Is it really necessary to take over a disabled toilet in order to save walking this short distance with a toilet only one floor down? Neither the school’s headmaster nor anyone else in charge of affairs was willing to speak to the camera about the situation.
Tale of a Toilet (by CJ MoMo WuMing)
廁所事件簿 (公民記者 墨墨無名 報導)
新竹市新竹高中新民樓二樓的無障礙廁所,向來提供在旁邊上課的身心障礙同學使用,但因為這間廁所接近教師辦公室,所以學校將它改成教職員廁所,方便辦公室 裡的女老師使用。廁所招牌更換後,學校也沒有主動告知一直以來使用那間廁所的身障學生。公民記者質疑,往下走一層樓有一間女廁,真的有必要為了節省走一層 樓的時間,佔用無障礙廁所嗎?該校校長室和總務處都拒絕對此事件接受訪問。