
A New Look For The Railtracks – Setting a Course Together

2010/11/23 14:13
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When art collides with a historic rail track what kind of spark will it produce? Hualian Cultural Affairs Bureau has brought together local art groups, documentary making, East Taiwan Railroad, historical exhibitions, farmers and activities in an attempt to raise local youngsters’ interest in Hualian’ s Railway Culture Zone. Ever since Hualian’ s Train Station and the accompanying facilities moved to the western district, this once flourishing railway station and business district has become increasingly bleak and economically depressed.

Despite the combined work of The Department Of Cultural Affairs, Taiwan Railways Administration, historians, writers and other interested groups, the work that began in 2002 to renovate the old station and providing a space for locals to visit and hold activities never really took off. It is hoped that this new initiative, incorporating artists and the Internet can create a new way of thinking and new possibilities to move forward and begin to use the wonderful space.

A New Look For The Railtracks – Setting a Course Together (by CJ Cida Broadcasting Station)



鐵道新風貌 一起來搞軌(公民記者 慈大傳播站 報導)






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