
Bantou Rekindle the Community Flavor Through Art

2010/11/09 10:42
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Local residents of Bantou Village, Xingang Township, Chiayi County have used the traditional cottage industry of Koji Pottery along with collected stories of traditional village life to embellish the area. In addition to the locals diligently working to run the local businesses, the young people are also returning back to their hometown to look for jobs and service the growing numbers of tourists. The Community Development Association representative stated that the return of young people to the community has created many new job opportunities. Local residents have however expressed that although there has been many benefits, the increase in tourists has gradually brought with it some disturbances including damage to some community facilities. There is still some work to be done if the village is to find a balance between the development of tourism and safeguarding the traditional culture and way of life.

Bantou Rekindle the Community Flavor Through Art (By CJ Zhongzheng E)



板頭社區 用藝術提煉在地味 (公民記者 中正E報 報導)



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